Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 Resolutions!

Save and Purge!!

Save $$ (especially on scrapbooking; I know, boring, huh?)
Purge !! (continue purging junk in the house...I've done some this year, but want to do even more this year - I feel a simpler life coming on!!)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

F = Finicky

Yep, that's me...finicky. I am real picky about things. My husband was filling my dinner plate on Christmas Day, and I was like, "Wait, don't let them touch!" He couldn't believe that I didn't want the different foods to touch. I like my cokes to be fountain cokes, with just the right amount of ice. I like 3 cookies for dessert. I like my hair cut a certain way. I like my closet with long sleeve/winter things on the left and summer things on the right. I have a particular way of getting ready in the mornings, where the hair is done last. And the list goes on...Yes, I am a finicky person & I have learned to work with it!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

E = Everyday

I really struggled with E - I mean really, what is there with the letter E that will describe me? So after a lot of thought, I came up with "everyday", as in plain, simple, everyday me. I try to be me, ever-changing (Oh, an "E" word!) as it is, but to stay true to who I am. Nothing great, spectacular, overwhelming, extraordinary (OK - there's another "E" word!!), or showy, just me...Sometimes predictable, sometimes unpredictable. I'm not always in love with the everyday me, but I am comfortable with the everyday me, and I think that is more important. Although, I do love to challenge that everyday me, and test the waters on where those boundaries are written. Mmm, I think I will stick with me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

D = Determined

OK, I was going to go with D = Depressed, but that was well...depressing! Sometimes I do suffer from depression, and this summer - well, I think I went through about 3 or 4 months of it. Well, again I determined that I did NOT want to continue with life like that, and made some changes, and now I think I am out of it. I think it is determination which helps me stay a driven person (another "D" word! - driven...). I am determined to make the most of life, even when life itself is not what is driving me. Does that make sense?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

May I have this dance?

Madison & I went to a local craft show on Sunday - it was OK - only bought one thing. It was in Evansville's old courthouse...4 levels of crafts in this historical building...Madison & I found this old big room that was empty. It has high ceilings, big windows, old beautiful architecture. We pretended we were at the ball & danced together. We didn't care who saw us or what people thought. It was so fun.

C = Creative

Well, I like to think that I am anyway. Scrapbooking has been that outlet for the last 6 years. In a major way!!! I've tried embroidery, sewing, & other things, but nothing ever hit me quite the way that scrapbooking has. I like to think that I am creative in my thinking too. Creative solutions within boundaries really jazz me. Whatever I am doing, I just know that creative outlets are a must for my sanity & well-being.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

B = Believer

Other than the obvious, and yes I am a believer of Jesus Christ as our Lord & Saviour...I like to believe in many things. I believe that although not perfect, that people are generally good people. I believe that we can make a change in the world. I believe that we are put here on earth for a short time with specific talents & purposes, but I believe those change over our life time. I believe in love. I believe in make-believe & the beauty of art. I choose to continue to believe these things when so many circumstances around us tell us otherwise.

Friday, October 26, 2007

A = Awesome

Starting my alphabet tour of me...don't know where it will take me, but here we go:

A = Awesome - I say that word all the time, but really do mean it. Life can be awesome. The surprises, the simple joys, the wonderful things that life presents can be, well, awesome. No other word that I know comes close to the meaning that "Awesome" encompasses.

I think this is an "awesome" way to start my alphabet tour!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I've been tagged!!!

1. Link to the person {or in my case person(s)} that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
I was tagged by Janie and by Susan.

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

-I already linked the people who tagged me above.
-My 7 random facts: My pet peeve is plastic paper clips; I love Coca-cola & Chocolate Chip Cookies ANYTIME!; I am a twin (I have a twin brother); I love wearing jeans; I am really a rock-n-roll music lover, but love music of all kinds; I once drove a racecare, once; I used to be the hoola-hoop champ at school.
-I will try to tag 7 people - I think most of my blogging friends have already been tagged though...Yep - each person I wanted to tag have already been tagged - you guys are good!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Alter Egos!!

Got this off of Susan's Scrapbook Shack...too funny!!

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car), Tish Malibu
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Chocolate, Chocolate-Chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name), JLee
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal), Bluebird
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born), Marie WinterPark
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first), LeeJu
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink), The Green Coke
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers), ?? - I never knew them...
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy), Gio M&M's
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ), ?? - I just realized I don't know them.
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter), Collins Chicago
12. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower). Summer Rose
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Peaches Jeansie
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree), Cookie Oak
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”), The Scrapbooking Thunderstorm Tour

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Typical Day

Now that Madison has started First Grade, a typical day looks like this:
Up at 6:00 AM (OK -alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, I don't roll myself out of bed until 6:30 AM).
Take a shower at 6:30 AM.
Get Madison up at 7:00 AM, make breakfast for Madison, & do a chore or two...
Make sure Madison is getting ready by 7:20 AM, all the while getting me ready, & believe me...that is a chore!!
Be ready to get out to the bus stop by 7:45 AM, bus arrives between 7:50 & 7:55 AM.
Read bible & do another chore or two at 8:00 AM.
Leave for work by 8:15 AM.
Arrive at work by 8:30 AM, by way of Sonic for a medium Coke!!
Lunch typically around 12:00 or 12:30 PM.
Stop work around 5:00 PM.
Play on SSS until 5:30 PM...or so...
Home by 6:00 PM.
Start dinner at 6:05 PM, and eat - hopefully done by 7:00 PM.
Review Madison's homework with her at 7:00 PM, or let her watch some TV.
When she is done with homework, I can put in a load of laundry or other household chore.
Start Madison's bath around 7:45 PM, done by 8:15 PM.
Get her in bed at 8:30 PM & read her a story.
Done saying goodnight by 9:00 PM.
ME TIME at 9:00 PM - usually scrapbooking or computer time.
In bed by 10:30...OK, I usually push that to 11:00 PM.
And alarm goes off at 6:00 AM to start it all over again!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Favorite Scrappy Stuff

I guess it {all} is my favorite!! But, if I had to narrow it down, I would say:
Patterned Paper, Brads, Buttons, Ribbon, and Rubber Stamps,
and anything that I've never used before...I mean really, it's so fun to try new stuff, and even if I totally end up not liking it, it's still fun to try. Then, occasionally I find something that I didn't think I would like, but I really do.

Right now, I got a new pack of LePlume II pens, so I am busy taking rubber stamps, coloring parts of the the image, or coloring the image different colors, & then stamping it. It's fun!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Altar & The Door

Rock on Casting Crowns!! You really ROCK on this album!! It is classic Casting Crowns - with in-your-face lyrics and complex rock sound. "The Word Is Alive" just makes me cry & rejoice all at the same time. Thank you for not disappointing!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Favorite Summer Pastime

Here is one of my family's favorite summer pastimes: summer socials. We are not Catholic, but we do enjoy the fun provided, and are glad to support the different churches with their fund-raisers. I love the basket raffles, Adam loves the food, and Madison loves the rides. But most of all, I think we enjoy the family fun together!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Why I love July 4th...

I love wearing red, white & blue on this holiday.
I love a holiday where fireworks are a tradition.
I love that simply loving your country is celebrated.
I love that, once again, the sacrifice that so many have made is remembered & held in high esteem.
I love being in a country that embraces differences, yet can still be one country. (We, however, still have a long way to go on this one...)
I love being able to celebrate freedom in whatever way I want to!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Name...part 2

Name 5 favorite movies:
1.) Grease
2.) Sound of Music
3.) Prince of Tides
4.) ??
5.) ??

Name 4 favorite memories:
1.) Visiting my sister & her husband in Japan.
2.) Skiing for a week in Maine with my sister & her husband.
3.) Visiting my sister & her husband in Sedona, AZ.
4.) Going to the races every weekend in Florida.
5.) How I told DH we were pregnant.

Name 3 things you want to do before you die:
1.) Go to the Kentucky Derby.
2.) Travel a lot...
3.) Be published in a major scrapbooking magazine. :-)

Give 2 names that you would use NOW if you were going to have a new addition to the family:
1.) Girl - Savannah
2.) Boy - Kenneth (after my dad)

Name the one thing that you're working on now to improve your life:
1.) To not feel guilty about everything...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Name...part 1

Name 10 things that you do EVERYDAY:
1. brush my teeth
2. hug my daughter
3. get on Susan's Scrapbook
4. pray
5. read
6. something scrapbooky, like do a layout, read a magazine, shop, SSS, etc.
7. listen to some kind of music
8. think about my family
9. wish I'd gotten to bed earlier
10. eat chocolate

Name 9 things that you say everyday
1. I need a coke!
2. I hate mornings!
(Usually #1 & #2 are said together!)
3. Morning, punkin.
4. Praise the Lord!
5. I Love You!
6. Will you turn that down?
7. I'm hungry!
8. I'm cold!
9. Now, I could...

Name 8 things that you use everyday
1. my toothbrush
2. my car
3. my computer
4. my radio
5. my reading light
6. my pen
7. my arms (for big hugs)
8. my bed

Name 7 places you've been to
1. Maine
2. Japan
3. Florida
4. Michigan
5. Missouri
6. Texas
7. Penn.

Name 6 of your favorite foods.
1. Chocolate chip cookies
2. Coca-cola
3. Roast Beef
4. Pasta dishes
5. Pizza
6. Brownies
7. Mac & Cheese (I had to add one more!!)

Friday, June 15, 2007

A Childhood Summer Day

A typical summer day from my childhood? I always remember it being hot. We lived in Florida, in a trailer, and never had air-conditioning. So, we always did things to stay cool. I would usually sleep late (because I would stay up late at night after it got cooler); it would sometimes even be noon before I got up. By then, it would be really warm, so I would go sit on the front screened-in porch & read, until we just couldn't stand it any longer. Then, we would head to a cool place, like the library, the pool, the mall, the movies, or a restaurant. We would return home in time to eat supper, just as the sun was starting to go down. At that point, we knew it would be getting cooler & we would make it. It was a vicious circle, day after day - but it really makes me appreciate the AC and home that I have today!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

12 things that make me grin...

I had to think a little on mine...
1.) a coke from Sonic
2.) warm, out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies
3.) getting a hug from my daughter
4.) getting pics developed & finding a GREAT shot
5.) good hair days
6.) great sales racks
7.) surprise gifts
8.) getting a SB mag in the mail
9.) watching my daughter play
10.) finding a good book to read
11.) having a layout come together just right
12.) "Flashback Weekends" on the radio

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Summer 2007

Thinking ahead on this summer, this is what it looks like for me. VBS (done), turn 39 (done), get a tattoo(done), Dearborn rehearsals (in process), finish Dearborn album (in process), go to Dearborn, plan for Arts Smarts, teach Memory Makers 401 class at Arts Smarts for the 3rd year, have Jim & Judy visit, & have Madison take swim lessons. By then, the summer should be over & Madison will start 1st grade. Amazing, isn't it?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Maybe I shouldn't have done it...

Well, three days ago I got a tattoo. Leading up to this, I thought long & hard about if I should do it. My friend, Laurie, went with with me, & she got her tattoo updated some too. On June 5, I turned 39, & well, I thought I was ready. I wasn't expecting the reactions that I have gotten from my family. First, my husband hung up on me (I told him over the phone). He knew I was seriously considering it, but for him, it was a money thing. We didn't have the money right now...of course, we never do. Then, yesterday, I told (& showed) my daughter. She was sorta OK with it at first, and then it hit her & she started bawling...ran outside, wouldn't have anything to do with me. She thinks that a tattoo changes a person. Since then, we've have some pretty serious discussions on it, especially for a 6 year old. First, it scares is kinda dark & it does have faces. I so understand that. Maddie says that tattoos change a person, & she doesn't want me to change. I understand what she is saying on that too, but that will be a big lesson to learn that what is on the outside of a person does not change what is on the inside of a person. But most of all, I feel like I have hurt my family, and that in itself, is harder to bear than the excruiating hurt of actually getting a tattoo. The sobbing & tears of my daughter went straight to my heart, and although I think we've moved on now, I am sick with sadness. I don't ever want to hurt her or my husband as much as I think I have with this ever again.

Monday, June 4, 2007


In High School, everyone called me Mouse...thankfully I've grown out of that!
For some reason, my daughter calls me MiMi when she's being that!!
And OK, since we are husband calls me "Lips" because I have to have my lipstick on...not a "makeup thing", but a "keep the lips" moist thing...I know...weird!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

June Color Challenge

Over at the Shack (, some people have mentioned that they can't see my June Color Challenge sample I am going to add it here. Good Luck - join in the fun!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dearborn Scrapbook

Hoping to get it done soon!! Praying to get it done soon!! Only 30 more days!!

Dearborn Scrapbook

Hoping to get it done soon!! Praying to get it done soon!! Only 30 more days!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

One more day...

of Kindergarten. 9 months ago, and we - as a family - were wondering how it was going to work. But especially me, being the logistical person that I am. How was I going to take Madison to her daycare every morning, leave work at 11:30 AM to go pick her up & get her all the way out to her school by 12:15 PM, & then get back to work? And some days I have to leave & go pick her up & take her home too. I call it my cross-country trip. I actually ended up enjoying it, &'s just about over. I'm going to miss the times where I pick her up & we get to her school, & while we are waiting for drop off time (12:20 PM), we play "Eye Spy", or we talk about things, or she hangs out the window & waves to the other kids, or we just talk about the kids on the playground. And everyday on the way to Madison's school, I ask her what she ate (or didn't eat) for lunch. Yep - I'm going to miss it. May the Lord bless me with more simple joys as Madison enters the first grade.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Shew - it was much better than last year...although it wouldn't have taken much to be better than last year!! This year was all about the CROCS!! Madison loves her croc shoes - I mean REALLY loves them. So when Daddy asked her this year what she wanted to get Mommy for Mother's Day, she wanted to get ME some Crocs. And I got them - LIME GREEN ones. I got them a day early (on Saturday) because neither one of them could hold onto the gift until Sunday, but that's OK - that's just how they BOTH are!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

WOW - it's been almost 2 months...

since I blogged - goodness knows I've got stuff to say!

Lots of changes in our lives. Not too long ago, Madison was getting ready to go into Kindergarten, and I just didn't know how we were going to handle that. Now, there's only 2 weeks left, and she will be a first grader. A FIRST GRADER!! OMGosh. I really don't know how we will handle that. But, I will go into it with the same faith I had when she entered Kindergarten, and know that everything will be OK.

Adam is on thirds now. Trying to combine that with more work for his handyman business. Let's just say, it's going OK at best. Causing a lot of stress. I think I'll blog about that later.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Picture of me

I will have to find the original picture, but it was taken when I was 7, I believe (1975). It was Christmas morning, and my Dad had just given me a parakeet. It was the last present to be given, it was the biggest, and it was mine!! I was so happy. Well, Madison has a picture when she was two, and she looks so much like me. Hers was taken at JCP for a sitting, but the hair and the smile look so familiar. The eyes, however, are Daddy's! It is so funny to see the two pictures side by side.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Childhood Friend

I have several childhood friends that I don't really keep into contact with, but I know where they are. My twin brother, Jeff, actually has better luck keeping in contact, so it is because of him that I sorta know where they are and what they are doing. I have one high school friend that has been faithful to write me, and I have GOT to write her back. She is really the one that I want to make sure to keep in touch with...her name is Tina. Tina was so much fun to be around - we were "the quiet ones" but we caused so much trouble. I will never forget yearbook class & the throwing the pencil out the window incident. Too funny - I never laughed so much!! Tina, I promise I will write you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

What is my earliest memory? Why has it stayed with me?

Again, another question that makes me think...
I think my earliest memory is of flying on a plane when I was 5 years old. I remember getting this little "wing" pin to wear, and I was so proud of them. I don't remember much else about it, other than holding someone's hand (come to find out later, it was my sister's).
I have some other memories that seem early, but I am not sure of the timeline on those, but I think this is the earliest. I think it has stayed with me because it was so exciting at the time. I think I felt really special then, and so I remember it.

Friday, March 2, 2007

10 things crucial for me to be happy...

Mmm, this might be hard:
1.) God time.
2.) Alone/Creative time.
3.) Chocolate chip cookies.
4.) Coca cola.
5.) Sunshine/warm weather.
6.) Ability to cry when I want to...
7.) Music.
8.) Someone to love me.
9. ) Challenges.
10.) Okayyyyy - shopping...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Susan's Scrapbook Shack Creative Team

Today, my life took a turn. I was chosen to be a part of Susan's Scrapbook Shack Creative Team. I am so excited that I can hardly think. I will part of a team of 12 members who will help promote a community of scrapbookers on More to come I am sure...but today I celebrate!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Moving to thirds

DH found out today that he is going to make the move to thirds at work...makes me a little nervous. OK, a lot...This is in hopes to expand his business...ABLE Handyman Service. Say a little prayer for us - we will need it!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Some pictures...

Here's the family - love 'em!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary Adam!!

9 years today - and many more!!

Saw this today...

Christian Ways to Reduce Stress...well, we could all use this a little stress reducing...will try to figure out a way to link this...

An angel says, "Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice."

That's good advice I think!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My First Entry!!

How many of these do we see? Here's to a successful blog!