Sunday, August 9, 2009


Here it is...the latest layout that I did today, for the latest PageMaps sketch challenge. This is one of my favorite pictures right now - it just says so much to me. I hate that I live so far away from Mom, but I hate it even more to think that my daughter will have a relationship with her Grandma, like the way I did with my Grandma. I mean, I loved her, but I didn't really get to know her. Grandma had very little influence on my life as a "person", but I cherish the memories of the visits we would have with her every summer. Mmmm, maybe I need to add some hidden journaling to my layout! :-)


Patricia said...

This is so sweet. Everyone needs a Gramma. And a mom. Biological or spiritual if not both. This is just lovely.

Anonymous said...

love the layout!!! hope you have a wonderful week! :)

Stacy Milford said...

what a sweet layout! did you draw the flowers on the background paper? they are really great!