Friday, January 4, 2008

G = Grateful

I am grateful to God for all of life's daughter, my husband, a great job, good health, a comfortable house, a good car...sometimes I don't act like it, but I am grateful!! I recently saw a quote that said something like "You are not grateful if you cannot say thank you." So I have been trying to say thank you a little bit more lately. Thank you God!


Kelly said...

Hi Julia,

Not sure if you remember me, but we used to scrap together. How are you doing? Are you still working with the music ministry at your church? I was cleaning out my e-mails and happened to find one of yours and opened it up, it had your blog so I thought I'd take a peek. I don't swap much anymore, how about you?

Take care!
Kelly (momoferika)

Kelly said...

I guess I meant to say "Swap together" instead of "scrap" LOL.