Thursday, March 20, 2008

J = Just Julia

Maybe this is a copout on my alphabet, but really, it fits what I want to say. I try to be "just" me. Now {me} is composed of many people around me - you will find a little bit of this person here and little bit of that person there, but overall - I try to be "just" me. That doesn't limit me to what I think I am today, but me is constantly changing.

Live, Laugh, Love

This is one of my favorite sayings, and when I found this digital template, I HAD to use it! The journaling says "Madison, every age is a “great” age to be with you, but right now is especially great. You love to live, and you love to learn. You love to laugh at the funny things in life, and best of all, you love to love on your mommy & daddy!!
You truly do live, laugh, and love! picture taken: Nov. 2007 {7 years old}"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dear Blog...

Well, I've been gone from you for over a month, but I hope to be a better blogger again!! My life activities are changing, and so, this is one of them. Blog, please forgive me!